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Hello Members, 21st October 2020
We have received confirmation from the Shire that we’re able to open our Greens but
under strict protocols. We are opening our greens to members only.
The Protocols are a slight variation on our previous experience so please read carefully.
The protocols we retain are:
• Only 10 members permitted at the Club.
• You must wear a face mask at all times when attending the club.
• All players should keep 1.5m apart at all times.
(Refrain from shaking hands or any contact with others.)
• You must sign up with your First and Surname for each time slot on the sign-in sheet
and contact number. This is to support contact tracing.
• All equipment must be sanitised when you arrive and before you depart.
i.e. wash the jacks and mats in the disinfectant tub.
• Wash or sanitise your hands before and after play.
• Players are not to touch other players bowls unless of absolute necessity. If such
does occur further hand sanitising is required immediately.
• Handle the jack and mats as little as possible. Under no circumstances can bowls be
• Toilet facilities will be open. The clubrooms and change rooms are unavailable to
New protocol:
• Our Club must have a designated CO-VID Marshal on duty when members are in
• The first named person in each session on the signup sheet will be the Co-Vid
The role of the Co-vid Marshall is:
• Promote and ensure infection control practices